Wendigo – Leaflet Distributors In London

What Makes a Good Leaflet

To make an effective leaflet, you need to understand What Makes a Good Leaflet. As a marketing tool, a leaflet aims to capture attention, convey key messages, and motivate action. With so much competition for people’s focus, your leaflet design is critical. You must make an impact visually while also communicating essential information about your product, service or event. Balancing these priorities is key to leaflet success.

In this article, we explore some tried-and-true design tips and tricks to help you create a leaflet that achieves results. From choosing eye-catching visuals to using simple language to highlighting a clear call-to-action, we walk you through how to design an engaging leaflet for your target audience. With the right strategy and skills, you can craft a leaflet that spreads your message and spurs your audience to respond.

What Makes a Good Leaflet

Choose an Eye-Catching and Relevant Design

To create an effective leaflet, selecting an eye-catching yet relevant design is key.

You want a design that will grab the reader’s attention and draw them in, while also clearly conveying the message and purpose of your leaflet. Some options to consider include:

Image: Including high-quality, high-resolution images that relate to your content can help bring interest and visual appeal to your leaflet. Images of people, products or scenes are all good options.

Color: Using an attractive color scheme with good contrast will make your leaflet more visually compelling. Consider your target audience and any brand guidelines when selecting colors.

Layout: A clean, uncluttered layout with clear sections, headings and whitespace makes a leaflet easy to navigate and read. Use bullet points, numbered lists and double spacing to break up dense blocks of text.

Fonts: Choose 2-3 complementary fonts – one for headings and one for body text. Sans serif fonts in a range of sizes generally work well for leaflets.

Branding: If promoting a business, product or service, including your company logo and brand colors helps create brand recognition and a professional impression.

Originality: A unique, memorable design will make your leaflet stand out. Try an interesting shape, fold or printing technique for extra impact.

Keeping your design cohesive, balanced and aligned with your key message will result in an eye-catching yet purposeful leaflet. With the right visuals and content, you’ll have an effective promotional tool to inform and engage your readers.

Use Clear and Simple Language

When creating an effective leaflet, using clear and simple language is key. As the writer, it is crucial to convey your message in an easy-to-understand manner for the average reader.

To achieve this, opt for common words over complex terms whenever possible. Explain any technical jargon or industry-specific vocabulary. Provide examples to illustrate your points. Keep sentences short and concise, around 15 to 20 words each.

Avoid ambiguous or vague phrases. Be as precise as possible to avoid confusion. Repeat important details and reiterate main messages using synonyms to reinforce key takeaways.

Use an active voice instead of a passive one. The active voice is more compelling and engaging for readers. For instance, say “We developed a new product” rather than “A new product was developed by us.”

When listing instructions or steps, use numbered or bulleted lists to make the information easy to follow. Leave double line spacing between each list item.

Proofread and edit your content thoroughly. Double-check that there are no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors which could reflect poorly on your organization or business.

With clear, straightforward language and a logical flow of ideas, your leaflet is sure to effectively communicate your message to the target audience. Keep your readers in mind with every word and design choice. Provide the information they need in a format they can quickly grasp and understand.

Include Relevant Images and Graphics


Including relevant images and graphics in your leaflet help to visually engage readers and break up blocks of text. Carefully selected photos, illustrations or icons can quickly and clearly convey concepts or messages you want to get across. When choosing images, consider:

Their relevance to the overall topic or theme. Only use images that directly relate to the subject matter and will provide value to the reader.

Copyright and licensing. Be sure any images you use are in the public domain, used with permission, or you have purchased the proper licensing to reproduce them.

Placement and size. Images should be large enough to see clearly and placed close to the related text or message. Leave adequate blank space around images so they do not seem crowded.

Captions or labels (if needed). Provide a brief caption for images that are not self-explanatory or contain people, places or products readers may not recognize.

Alternative text. For visually impaired readers using screen readers, include alt text descriptions for each image. The alt text should convey the meaning or purpose of the image.

Graphic elements

In addition to images, consider including simple graphic elements like:

Icons or symbols to highlight important points or sections. For example, use an arrow icon next to tips, a lightbulb for ideas, etc.

Bulleted or numbered lists. Break up steps, sequences or related points with easy-to-follow lists. Use the same style of bullet or number consistently throughout the leaflet.

Text boxes or sidebars. Call out key facts, definitions, warnings or other useful information in a text box. Use a color or border to differentiate it from the main text.

Charts, diagrams or tables. If relevant, add a simple chart, diagram or table to visually represent numerical data, statistics, timelines, comparisons or processes. Ensure the graphic is easy to read and comprehend.

Using a balanced mix of visuals and text will make your leaflet more engaging and help deliver information in an easy-to-understand format. With some careful selection and placement of images and graphic elements, you can transform a standard leaflet into an inviting and appealing resource for readers.

Organize Information Logically

To organize information logically in a leaflet, follow these tips:

Group related ideas together

Group points that are closely related under the same heading or section. This makes the information easier to navigate and comprehend. For example, if you have several points about how to prepare for an event, group them under a header like “Preparation.” Use subheaders for related subtopics.

Use a clear and consistent structure

Have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should give an overview of the key points. The body should contain sections and subsections to logically organize information. The conclusion should briefly reiterate the main takeaways. Use the same style of headers for the same levels of information throughout the leaflet. For example, use H2 headers for main sections, H3 headers for subsections, and so on.

Number or bullet-related points

When you have a list of related points, number them or use bullet points. This makes the information much easier to follow compared to long paragraphs. For example:

Gather supplies: paper, pens, tape, etc.

Create an outline of topics and points to cover.

Do research to ensure all information is accurate.

Check facts from multiple reputable sources.

Keep detailed notes and citations on sources.

Use visuals whenever possible

Visuals like images, charts, graphs, maps, and diagrams help to break up large blocks of text and quickly convey information. They are useful for complex topics or steps that would require lengthy descriptions. For example, use a diagram to show the layout of an event venue or a chart to display statistical data. Visuals make leaflets more engaging and easier to understand.

By organizing your leaflet in a clear, consistent, and logical way with visual elements, readers will find the information easy to follow and comprehend. Carefully crafted leaflets can be an effective way to inform and persuade audiences.

Provide Useful Resources and Next Steps

To provide useful resources and next steps for your readers, include relevant references and a clear call to action.

Reference Relevant Resources

Refer to authoritative resources, reports and statistics to build credibility. For example, according to a study by Nielsen, over 80% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family.

Link to additional tools, worksheets or reading that would be helpful for your audience. For example, if your leaflet focuses on small business marketing, provide links to free social media scheduling tools or content creation checklists.

Recommend related resources like videos, podcasts, books or online courses on the topic. For example, suggest an instructional video on the basics of graphic design if your leaflet covers DIY design tips.

Issue a Clear Call to Action

Tell your readers exactly what they should do next to take the next step. For example, ask them to sign up for your email newsletter, follow you on social media, share the leaflet with colleagues or schedule a free consultation.

Make the call to action bold and prominent, such as a button or link at both the top and bottom of the leaflet.

Keep your call to action positive and actionable using an imperative verb like “sign up today” or “learn more now.”

Additional Tips

Keep your resources and call to action concise, focusing on the most relevant and impactful options for your audience. Don’t overwhelm readers with too many choices.

Double check that all links and contact information are up to date before publishing your leaflet. Broken or outdated links will damage your credibility.

You can also encourage social sharing by suggesting readers pass the leaflet along to friends or share it on social media platforms. Word-of-mouth marketing and shares still drive results.

Following these best practices will provide useful next steps and resources for your readers, leading them to take action and engage further with your organization or cause. An effective call to action is key to producing results from your leaflet.


In the end, creating an effective leaflet comes down to following some tried-and-true design principles with a dash of creativity. Keep your message clear and concise, choose an eye-catching layout, use visuals strategically, and stick to a simple but cohesive style.

If you craft your leaflet with your audience and goals in mind, keep the content engaging yet scannable, and give it a professional polish, you’ll have designed an excellent leaflet. With some practice, you’ll be designing leaflets that get attention and deliver results in no time. Keep experimenting and don’t be afraid to try new techniques to make your leaflets stand out from the crowd.


Q: What makes a good leaflet?

A: A good leaflet is one that effectively communicates its message and engages the reader. It combines various elements, such as design, content, and layout, to create an impactful and memorable piece of promotional material.

Q: How important is the design of a leaflet?

A: Design plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of a leaflet. A well-designed leaflet should have an appealing layout, attractive colors, clear fonts, and eye-catching visuals. It should be visually appealing and aligned with the brand’s image or the purpose of the leaflet.

Q: What are the key elements of a well-designed leaflet?

A: A well-designed leaflet should have a clear and compelling headline, concise and informative content, visually appealing graphics or images, a logical flow of information, and a strong call to action.

Q: How can I ensure the content of my leaflet is effective?

A: The content should be clear, concise, and focused on the key message you want to communicate. It should highlight the benefits, features, or important details in a straightforward manner, avoiding excessive jargon or unnecessary information.

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